Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Four Leaves Walnut Stick

This is really great stuffs to chew at with a cup of nice coffee or tea.

The walnuts within the "chewy" bread, makes it a joy to munch at. The raisin and the breadstick compliments each other really well. The little openings on top of the bread makes it even better to chew and have no sign of stopping once start.

The best thing is, you don't feel sinful eating this, cos, its a slim stick and not like big fat dough!

Good stuff as afternoon tea, either in office or lazing at home.

Jack's rating for Walnut Stick :

Monday, July 16, 2007

Starbucks Raisin Toast

This is actually pretty good.

The toasted Raisin Toast from Starbucks, tasted kinda "thick". The amount of raisin in it is just about right, but for people like me, the more the merrier.

You must have it toasted, cut into half and spread Jam or butter on it. With cream cheese, it will taste even better. BUT, look out for those fats and calories, not forgetting it’s carbo.

Still, good stuff to fill up a small appetite.

Jack's rating for Starbucks Raisin Toast :

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

1A Curry Puff

1A curry puff seems to be very popular among office workers and have gotten itself quite famous.

It had this layered crispy skin with hot fillings in it. The fillings are interesting. From the normal sardine to potato and even durian!

I don't particularly like the skin. it's just too crispy and do not have this old school chewy feel to it. It falls all over the place when you bite onto it. I like the traidtional skin.

The fillings are good, excellent infact. Juicy, warm, smooth and tasty.(No, I am not talking about what you are thinking about! It's the fillings!!! Pervert!!)

It's worth a try, especially for the fillings. If you are one for the traditional skin, than you are gonna hate the skin.

Jack's Rating for 1A Currypuff :

(The skin makes alot of difference to me. If it's traditional skin, a perfect 5 it will be)

Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き)

Got my hands dirty cooking Okonomiyaki.

Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き) is a pan-fried Japanese dish cooked with various ingredients.

Okonomi means "what you like" or "what you want", and yaki means "grilled" or "cooked", thus, the name of this dish means "cook what you like, the way you like".

The dough is ready made ones bought from Tokyo. for the ingredients, we add in ham, prawns and Japaneses cabbage. Mixed it all together, cook one side for about 4-5 mins, flip it over and cook the other side for another 4-5 minutes.

Divide the whole piece into 4 small pieces and put the necessary sauce on it, and you are reafy to go!

The secret here lies on the dought mix. If the mix is a failure, you will not get the taste you are looking for.

Not sure if the mix can be found in Singapore, but I have yet to see it.

Jack's Rating for his own Okonomiyaki :

(What can I say, I am good!!)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sun Moulin Curry Donut

This Curry Donut, i would say is THE favorites among Japanese. A popular Singaporean bun too.

The curry in this donut is not your typical curry. It's curry in Japanese, not too spicy, soft and all mashed up with potato. The curry does not drop all fall all over when you sink your teeth into the Donut.

The crust of this Donut is amazing. The dough is soft and very pleasant to bite.

After having one of this, your appetite opens up and you crave for more food. When you try to eat another different bun, you felt disgusted. Cos, the other bun does not taste as good as this Curry Donut.

My advise, eat this Curry Donut the last, if not, you will find yourself depressed with the rest of your food.(Save the best for last!)

Jack's Rating for Sun Moulin Curry Donut :

Friday, June 15, 2007

Lana Cakes

The notorious Lana Cake. Lana Chocolate Cake.

It's plain old, simple chocolate. No extras, no frills, no fabs.

It's not thick, not too creamy and not that "will die of heart attack" kinda thick chocolate taste. Good, simple and yummy. You can easily have 2-3 pieces at one go without feeling "too much" or "too thick".

They did not fixed what is not broken. Not too commercial, good for cake lovers. If you are on a diet, you can still enjoy it, without feeling too sinful.

I had 2 thick slices at one go, and still craving for more…

Must pre-order, if not, good luck.

Jack's Rating for Lana Chocolate Cake :

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bae Huey Ji

This Bae Huey Ji is in Hokkien. It translates into "Deep Fried Horse Flower"..err...i have really not much of an ideal why/how the name...

But, this thing is GOOD!

It's not easy finding this in Singapore these days, as it's like a thing from my childhood days and it's such a joy to have, even untill now!

Totally local, totally oily, totaly tasty, totally cheap. So Singapore...!

It's dough, deep fried with sesame seeds on top and have this sweet and savoury taste to it. The chewy dough is the magic to the enjoyment.

It's really oily, but the taste is too good to past it off...I have this for lunch almost every week...

Usually, we would split this thing into have(right thru the centre portion) and eat it one by one. It goes perfect with hot soya bean milk or coffee/tea.

This one that I had so often these days is available at the Food Republic at Suntec City Convention Centre. Really good.

Jack's Rating for Bae Hua Ji :

(If not for the oil, it would have gotten a perfect 5)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Madness in Burger King Tokyo

Burger King made a return to Japan.

Newly opened in Shinjuku(not near the train station), Tokyo.

Of cos, it got all the media and public's attention.

People there, queued up over 2hrs just to get a Whopper meal!!! This is ridiculous! Lucky Singaporeans dun like fastfood! haha! Can you imagine, getting in line for over 2 hrs to get a Bacon Double?? Madness.

The hype will die down soon I am sure.

I am hitting off to BK now to get a Rendang Meal!

Photo : Happy waiting!

Four Leaves Raisin Sugar Roll

This fellow is yummy!

The "crunchyness", softness of the roll is excellent mixed. The "chewyness" of the raisin and the whole roll itself is very well done as well.

The half melted sugar on top of the bun(due to the heat when the bread was freshly baked) added the extra touch of sweetness to it. Good size to fill the stomach too!

I will probably make this one of my regular "must-buy" bread when I visit Four Leaves.

This is actually a perfect lunch partner or tea time buddy.

Jack's Rating for Four Leaves Raisin Sugar Roll :

Friday, June 8, 2007

Pret A Manger

Visited the first Pre A Manger here in Singapore.

(I have talked about it in my previous post titled Pret A Manger ~ Passionate About Food, November 26, 2006.)

Been wanting to go, but somehow never did had the chance. So here I am today! Had high expectations for it, and it din failed. Infact, it's better than the others I have tried. The atmosphere seems better, althought the environment and design theme is in line with all their stores.

I had a Roast Beef Wrap, a Cappuccino, San Pellegrino and my lunch partner J had a Tandoori Chicken Wrap.

Their Cappuccino was made to measurement. Huh?? ya, Made to Measurement.

Every cup is put on a weighing machine, ensure the exact weight is achieved for every cup. The reason is, you will get the exact same size, amount, taste for the drinks everytime you ordered.

The Wraps are my favorite items there. The beef wrap taste simply fantastic, with the right softness for the wrap. The beef, vege mix are all extremely fresh. The sauce was oozing all over the place when you sink your teeth into it.

J commented that "hey! This(Tandoori Chicken Wrap) is very good!!"

The items on the shelf all looks so amazing and fresh, even the desserts.. looks dangerous...

My next trip back will involve the dessert and sandwiches...ahh...

Pret A Manger made all their items fresh from the market. Nothing is left overnight to be resold. Left overs are given to charity at the end of the day. No shelf life or display untill can be found on their food items.

Everyone who loves fresh food, sandwiches, wraps, this is a must go.

Jack's Rating for Roast Beef Wrap :

Photo : Cappuccino and the wraps! Yummy!!!