Thursday, May 31, 2007

Starbucks Pastries

Starbucks is Jack's favorite coffee chain. Every week, a visit to anyone of it's many outlets is normal. Naturally, I would try some of it's pastries, some are really good, some sinful..some just plain bad... so here's my first take on some of the pastries...

1)Mango Cheese Cake
The look of this fellow just begs to be purchased and tried.

Basically, cheese cake, with Mango flavor. It's not too "cheesy" and thick, just about nice for the taste. However, the mango flavour could be a little stronger. 1 piece shared between 2 person is just nice.

JackRatings for Mango Cheese Cake :

2)Ugly Chicken Puff
It is indeed ugly. It's one of the ugliest "puff" I have came across.

When you cut it open, mixed pieces of chicken meat and potato greets you. The whole puff tasted dry, especially the chicken pieces. The taste is a little too blant for my "salty" taste. It's a big puff, thick crust, but inner beauty is lacking.

JackRatings for Ugly Chicken Puff :

3)Cinnamon Roll
This "snail" looking cinnamon rolls looks tempting, shinning and "smart" looking.

It's obviously tasted of Cinnamon(duh!), however, it's a little dry. Each bite will need to be accompanied with either coffee or tea. You will probably craving for drinks after eating this...

JackRatings for Cinnamon Roll :

Photo : (Clock-wise from left) Mango Cheesecake, Ugly Chicken Puff and Cinnamon Roll.

Donut Factory


This is THE obsession of Jack.

With the lack of proper Donut chains in Singapore, the only solitude I can get are from various independent/chain bakeries all over the island. Thus whenever a overseas trip happens, Donut hunting is on the top of the list.

When Donut Factory opened it's door for business in late 2006, I was a a little interested and excited. A proper Donut store in Singapore?! That's gotta be good enuff to check it out.

So one day in Dec 2006, I walked over to Raffles City Shoping Centre, Basment 1, bought a box of 12 mixed falvours from Donut Factory. There were only about 4-5 people infront of me. My thought was "Hmm..nobody in Singapoe is interested in Donut…" I brought the donuts back to the office, let the gals enjoyed. Some loved it. Some avoided it due to the potential danger to their beautiful figure.

I personally love it.

4 Reasons.

1- The donuts are soft. Even left overnight(not in the fridge please) are still soft like freshly baked.

2- Not too sweet. Just right amount of sweetness, thus you can have a few at each go.

3- Interesting flavours. Besides the usual glazed donuts, they have interesting flavours like Wasabi Cheese(Killer!!), Kaya, Apple Cinamon etc..

4- Extremely reasonable prices. Average about S$1 per donut.

Apparently, the owner/creator of this Donut Factory did intensive research, which took him through recipe books and taste tests of doughnuts from Europe, United States and Asia. Tailored the donuts to fit local taste. Great job!

I went back after a few days, intending to get more donuts..and got a rude shock.
There were about 50 people waiting in line fot the donuts!

It seems Singapores have this thing about "In-Fashion-Things" and "Follow-A-Queue-When-You-See-One" mentality. I gave up, and walked away.

With constant bugging from all the gals here for more of thath Donut, we managed to put in some time to get in line and buy the Donuts. It's ridiculous. Singaporeans are unbelievable. I saw so so so many rude Singaporean behaviors while waiting…(dun even get me started…)

Still, even if you do not like Donut, you must try this. It's good.(Dun forget the coffe and tea to go with it!)

Worth it even for the amount of time wasted to get in queue.(bring along your PSP, Nintendo DS, Books, mobile phone games etc to keep you company and past the dreadful time…)

JackRating :

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dough Dough Baby

This is gonna be all about dough.

Breads, cakes, donuts etc etc…

Jack have this love for bread..close to an obsession. So I figure it would be a good thing to start this little compilation of all things dough that Jack had tried and love/hate. Research had been done for awhile…if you notice my main blog, you will notice that I have been putting up photos and short messages about stuffs like this.

What I hope to achieve here is, hoping that this little blog will help anyone who loves bread to enjoy the experience more.

I will try to be as accurate as possible on my “findings” and “reports”. Please remember that the comments, ratings and experience are unique to Jack alone, by no means does it reflects that of a gourmet expert(Anthony Bourdain??).

Ratings will be given after every entry/experience, there’s gonna be little Croissants for the rating. Maximum of 5(best) to 1(lousy), if you see no Croissant, dun even bother. I guess there’s no better icon to use than the legendary Croissant. It’s very own origin, is still a myth and uncertainty. Hey, it’s not easy making a Croissant, the layers…the patience…

Please do not expect too much of a "Gourmet Expert" comments and description of all the stuffs in here. It's purely Jack's preference and persoal likes/dislikes preferences.

Ok, hopped on for the ride together and enjoy!