Sunday, June 3, 2007

Missy Donut???

Is this the start of another stupid bubble trade in Singapore?

Remember "Bubble Tea", Roti Boy" etc??

From one and only original idea and store, people here just cash in on the idea and start their own trade in that area! All sorts of Bubble Tea chains, all sorts of relatives from Roti Boy(Uncles, Papa, mama etc etc). See what happens now? All gone. Even the original idea. All thanks to the copy cats in this little island.

There is a serious absence of proper Donut Brands in Singapore(Mister Donut, Krispy Kreme, Dunkin' Donut, Donut Plant etc etc these big boys are all missing…!!)..I mentioned earlier about Donut Factory, great job, great idea, great price.

Just over the weekend, I saw a new Donut Store opened for business.

In Bt Panjang. Called "Missy Donut".

My first thoughts was, here we go again! Spin off from the Donut factory idea. Then on the big sigboard infront of the store, it said proudly.."Recipe from Japan"…

A queue was steadily building up…

I stood there, took a good look at some of the donuts and the "Story", "History" of the store…

I was a little puzzled… It said that it's recipe is from Japan and since year 2000(I think)…yet I dun remember hearing about this brand before…Maybe I dun know Donuts well enough…so I gave it benefit of the doubt.

UsagiKiller was immediately 500% sure that it's a direct copy of Mister Donut from Japan and cashing in on the hot popularity of Donut Factory in Singapore. I was being nice(hardly myself) and said, "we should check and do some research first before accusing."

But, I was unable to find anything(history etc etc) about this shop…hmmm….(maybe they will "come up" with a history and story in a few months time…).

Couple of things, their pricing is almost identical to that of Donut factory, their 15 choice of Donuts looks familiar(uncanny)…this "Famous" Donut store decides to open in Bt Panjang??? Not Central or Orchard area??? Beats me…

You know what, I have yet to taste their products, but I am already kinda sure that this is the start of another bubble trade in Singapore. This trend is dangerous.

Get Original!!

Photo : Flyers from the new bubble trade company...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One more point to add... did you try to visit their website? It's non existent at all... crap!!

Bet you the 1800 number don't work too!!!
