Wednesday, June 6, 2007

St Leaven 2

Here's more of what St Leaven have to offer...

Milk Toast

Now, this is something to die for.

Extremely easy to make, but the result is amazing. The whole toast do not have any dark/hard skin around it(like you find on many others). It's just plain soft bread, thick, toasted with a generous amout of sugar coating around it. This little fellow is so good, that I find myself buying another 2 after having the first one. It is extremely perfect for afternoon tea time, coffee and tea with it will send you to heaven and back!(The photo is extremely terribly badly horribly taken. So, please do not let the photo have you thinking "there's no way I am eating this thing..."

Jack's rating for St Leaven Milk Toast :

Potato Donut

This is strictly for potato lovers only.

It's a little dry inside and the mashed potato tasted a little blunt. I find myself struggling to have another bite, even UsagiKiller have challenges finishing it…

Imagine, dry mashed potato inside a bun…

Jack's rating for St Leaven Potato Donut :

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