Friday, June 8, 2007

Pret A Manger

Visited the first Pre A Manger here in Singapore.

(I have talked about it in my previous post titled Pret A Manger ~ Passionate About Food, November 26, 2006.)

Been wanting to go, but somehow never did had the chance. So here I am today! Had high expectations for it, and it din failed. Infact, it's better than the others I have tried. The atmosphere seems better, althought the environment and design theme is in line with all their stores.

I had a Roast Beef Wrap, a Cappuccino, San Pellegrino and my lunch partner J had a Tandoori Chicken Wrap.

Their Cappuccino was made to measurement. Huh?? ya, Made to Measurement.

Every cup is put on a weighing machine, ensure the exact weight is achieved for every cup. The reason is, you will get the exact same size, amount, taste for the drinks everytime you ordered.

The Wraps are my favorite items there. The beef wrap taste simply fantastic, with the right softness for the wrap. The beef, vege mix are all extremely fresh. The sauce was oozing all over the place when you sink your teeth into it.

J commented that "hey! This(Tandoori Chicken Wrap) is very good!!"

The items on the shelf all looks so amazing and fresh, even the desserts.. looks dangerous...

My next trip back will involve the dessert and sandwiches...ahh...

Pret A Manger made all their items fresh from the market. Nothing is left overnight to be resold. Left overs are given to charity at the end of the day. No shelf life or display untill can be found on their food items.

Everyone who loves fresh food, sandwiches, wraps, this is a must go.

Jack's Rating for Roast Beef Wrap :

Photo : Cappuccino and the wraps! Yummy!!!


Anonymous said...

Did a bull charge from the kitchen and yourself transform into a bull fighter, performing show in the cafe after the first bite?


Keevy - 小明® said...

Where is this place? Remember I asked you about a place that you mentioned and I thought it is at Millenia Walk? Is it this one?

JackRedShoes said...

It's located at Ogilvy Centre, 35 Robinson Road.(opposite Lau Pa Sat).

Again, I repeat, there is NOTHING this good at Millenia walk. Only O'Briens...

Happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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